Thursday, August 7, 2008

100 People Surveyed....

On of the ladies in our office loves Family Feud, so much so that she plays a version at home with her family. But....wouldn't it be awesome, she wishes out loud, if she could have the buzzer apparatus for her own version of Family Feud. Wishing out loud in an office full of geeky engineers has its advantages....Wola...Family Feud...PHC Customer Service style....a box (very nicely varnished box) with two buttons and lots of lights and sounds.

And of course it needs testing and who better to test than a writer, an apps person, and 2 NPI CS techs.....its Office Feud at Noon.....

Favorite Questions....

  • What is the most annoying thing about the Project Manager No. 1?
  • What is the favorite place men want to stick their peter?
  • What is the favorite pet peeve of office workers.

We need more Office Feud questions...readers help us out here....

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