Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yeah...that's it...

So G-Man is not the best of students...

He gets bored very easily...

He needs a challenge...

He has missed enough classes this year that he needs a doctor's note to have any more missed days be excused...

Okay, he has not really missed THAT many, but they tightened up the rules a bit this year to put a damper on truancy in the district.

Being 18 and all, he does not see how that applies to him.

But Mom does not want to deal with it so she has put forth an edict: YOU WILL NOT MISS ANY MORE SCHOOL UNLESS YOU HAVE A DOCTOR'S EXCUSE!!!!!

This week being OGT testing week, and G-Man not needing to be there in the morning for that, has decided that he does not need to be at school at all. 

I take that back - Monday, he followed the schedule like a good student.

Tuesday he called off his afternoon classes (at another location) by claiming that the OGT schedule has him at his home school in the afternoon.  True - I give him that.

Wednesday, I get a call from the school that he is not in class:
Attendance Lady: Phillipia, G-Man is not in class. He called earlier and said he had OGT's today, but his home school says he should be here.
Phillipia:  He does not have OGT's.  I will check on him....(I will KILL him)...
Then I saw the light - it is Green Day....

Yeah, G-Man decided to celebrate with his buds  - Irish style...

And he did not bother to ask me because, well, see edict above....

A few not so polite phone calls later, he knew he was in deep shit...


Thursday, he had a doctor's appointment for a nagging football injury (aka pulled groin)...

I went with him to the apppointment because he asked me to...

As he comes out of the doctor's office, he has a huge smirk on his face...
G-Man: So Mom, you said I could not miss school without a doctor's note, right?
Mom: Yeah.....
G-Man: Well, here it is...and look at the dates...
Mom (reading): How the F$%# did you pull that off?

Yeah, G-Man of the persuasive personality, has a note that says he has been under doctor's care YESTERDAY, WEDNESDAY MARCH 17th & TODAY....

What the F????
G-Man: So I am not grounded any more, right.
Mom: NOOOO! I mean YES, you are grounded.  You did not have the note yesterday.
G-Man: How was I supposed to get a note before I went to the doctor???
Mom: You know what I mean...
G-Man: You're just jeaous, Mom...
Mom: Of what???
G-Man: 'Cuz you could not get away with this shit when you were in school...
Yeah, that's it....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

May your coffee be Irish...

Here's to you and yours...
And to mine and ours...
And if mine and ours ever come across you and yours,
I hope you and yours will do as much for mine and ours
As mine and ours have done for you and yours!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Last week was a trip...

Wow...these posts are getting farther and farther apart...

What can I say??? 

I have been busy...really!

Last Tuesday evening, I bid goodbye to LDBoy as he headed for Belize...

To live...what a life...

I am not ashamed to say that I am jealous...

And I am waiting for that promised ticket, LDBoy...

You did promise, right?

I promise to not get in your way...

You will not even know I am there...

I had to say goodbye to Buddy (the Pitbull mascot of the Belize team) for a few days, too.

Thursday afternoon, I said goodbye to the sunshine of Cleveland and headed to cold, rainy Boston with G-Man and some of his Track teammates.

Now that was a trip....

10 High School Boys, 1 Coach, 2 Moms, and a Dad....

All in all in was a good trip, with just a few incidents....

  • Before we left the airport, one runner realized that he did not have his uniform/warmups. No problem, we will share...somehow...
  • While waiting for shuttles to the hotel, G-Man decides to take advantage of the available airport lobby seating...for the injured...
    Me (double-taking at the boy in the wheelchair): G-Man???
    G-Man: Yeah...
    Me: Ummmm. Get out of the wheelchair.
    G-Man: I can't...
    Me: What????
    G-Man: I was goofing around and fell and hurt my knee...
    Me: What???
    G-Man: Sorry...
    Me (looking at Coach): He was goofing around????.
    Coach: Yeah, goofing around...
    Me: OMG, G-Man, #$%* the %^$# you &*%$.
    G-Man: Mom, I'm kidding...
    Coach: OMG, Phillipia, I'm sorry - I meant he IS goofing around - now - with you..
    G-Man (laughing): Thanks, coach!
    Coach (smirking): Get out of the chair, G-Man...Quit giving your Mom a heart attack....
  • The parents were staying at a different hotel than the team...which means we did not all get settled into our rooms until after midnight. Sorry, coach:)
That was day one.....