My ex-mom-in-law was supposed to have open heart surgery yesterday.
But she is so frail her doctor will not risk it.
Sadly, he gave her under 6 months to live as her heart is only working at 10%.
She is not my favorite ex in-law because....well, she raised the ex and he is a lot like her.
But she is grandma to my kids and she has always been good to them and to me in her own way.
I know the next few months are going to be rough on the kids and their dad.
Mom was a nurse and a stickler for healthy eating habits and a germaphobe.
Unfortunately, if she could have brought herself to eat "better" (i.e, more) in the last few months and put on some weight, she would probably be able to have the needed surgery and recover to spend a few more years with her family.
I am at the opposite end of the spectrum. I enjoy food and try not to worry about the calories or fat count. If I did, I would probably be in much better shape - although I do have round down pretty good.
I struggle to stay away from chips and salty foods because of my BP, but I do not always win that struggle. Ruggles chips and french onion dip...mmmmm....I am getting a craving just thinking about them.
A co-worker has been in the hospital for over a week now with what the doctors originally diagnosed as pneumonia.
She is on the road to recovery, thankfully.
She is a good person and a joy to work with...
However, she too is a germaphobe.
Which could be why her body had so much trouble fighting off the infection that decided to invade it...
Lately, everytime I think of her and mom, I want to suggest that maybe they could have taken this doc's advice.... Doc backs nose picking
But I don't...
Because...This is probably a good a time as any to keep my thoughts to myself.
I love my account.
I have had it for years.
Before I was Phillipia....
Before I knew what blogging was...
Before Yahoo and AIM and GMail were popular (or at least before I knew about them)...
It was customized for me, by me (FMBM)...
Yes, I love my account.
MOST of the time...
But not when it logs me out for no gd good reason other than....You have been logged in for 5 hours so we are logging you out for security reasons - to ensure that noone else can access your log back in, click HERE....
Mind you, I have not been INACTIVE for five hours, I have just been logged in....
But here's the real kicker...
When I click HERE to log back in...My account name and password do not need to be re-entered....They are staring me in the face....Account name: 5hourlager Password:******
So anyone smart enough to click Sign In can get to all of my email....
Real secure
Real secure... you know if you know me at all.I love to read your blog posts.I love to read mysteries...and historical romances ....and short stories...It is not too often that I cannot find something within easy reach that I will enjoy reading...If I cannot find a damn thing I would read...Then I must be in the....
Thanks, J, for sharing:)
Yeah...You know what I mean...Good looks does not a good QB make...damn.I left work early for this???Well not early - after being there 11 hours, and finally on a really good roll the last 3 of them, I decided I would call it a night so I could get home in times to see the Browns...LOSE....AGAIN...To the RAVENS....UGH!!!!On another note...good looks does a good officer of the law make:)Yesterday, I got to Life Teen camp to attend Mass and give G-Man a ride home.Well, I was sitting in my car texting another camper's Mom to see how close to camp she was...And as I am texting I get out of the car, press the lock button, slam the door and immediately realize my keys are still in there...Both sets...Although the second set would not do me much good no matter where it was.It went through the washer the other day and is bent totally useless.And there is the first set, still in the ignition.I figured I might as well attend Mass and pray that by the time Mass is over my door will be magically (or miraculously) unlocked.No such luck (or miracle).I thing Jesus was too busy in the emergency room with the camper who fell over backwards and busted his head open....After one of the camp coordinators tried with no luck to unlock the door, I was forced to put in a distress call to the local PD. No, I did not call 911, oh ye of lil faith.But I gotta tell ya, the Moreland Hills PD are fast (as in responsive) and hot (as in hot).It took them no time to get to my car and just a little more time to get me in.What nifty tools they have for forced entry:)
Even the Boss makes mistakes...
I have to believe he was hoping if he said it enough, he would be back in Ohio...'Cuz who in hell can mistake Michigan for Ohio? (sorry, K)