I should not pull all nighters...I do that once in a while, forgetting that I am not as young as I once was.Last night I stayed awake most of the night reading - just could not put that book down. So this evening about 7:00 I was chatting with a friend online and fell asleep...sound asleep...the phone woke me at about 8:45...Hey, Mar, its Kathy...
Hi (in the perkiest half-asleep voice I can muster)
How are ya?
Good..how are you? (Kathy who?)
What are you up to?
uh...not much (who the hell is this?)
I reserved a table at the reverse raffle...
Ohhh, Kathy, how are ya?
Were you sleeping?
It's 8:45...
No, its not it's still dark out...
At night, Mar...
oh, wow...I fell asleep...
No kidding...
Boy, was I sleeping good...but now I am awake...should I go back to bed (cuz a 90 minute cat nap just does not cut it at my age) or try to get some stuff done I should have been doing all day? Life is full of tough decisions...
Pfizer Corp. announced recently that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink...And it gives new meaning to the names of 'cocktails', 'highballs' and just a good old-fashioned 'stiff drink'
And how will Pepsi market the new concoction you ask?
MOUNT & DO (gotta luv it)
As more and more money is spent on breast implants and Viagra today there is less money to spend on Alzheimer's research. So, by 2040, there could be a
large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and
absolutely no recollection of what to do with them...Thanks RichyB...
More Christmas stories...cuz it is my favorite time of year...have I told you that?So I invited a few of my closest friends over for drinks and snacks the other night...And they had a Christmas present for me...Before I let you in on what they gave me, let me give you a little background....These friends are all neighborhood Moms. We have watched each other's kids grow up since my youngest was still in training pants. We have been each other's support for whatever goes on...There is one big difference between them and me, tho...I am a single Mom and they are each happily married to the father of their children...They are all aware that I am tyring the online dating thing...and they are all supportive...like friends and Moms...(on a side note, I think they may be a lil jealous and are trying to live vicariously through me, but I could be wrong...)So what to my wondering eyes did they they hand me on the day after Christmas...A little bag with a big present...from Victoria Secret no less...And by big, yes, I mean in size. There is just no way that anyone who fits into that thing should be allowed to wear it (including me) because there is just no way anyone can fit into it, if you get my drift....it should be outlawed...someone could die laughing ...And thank you ladies for making sure my daughter was there to see the gift exchange...Remember, sweet revenge is mine, and when you least expect it...
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I love Christmastime...and all that comes with it...even when I stress myself way past the point that I am fun to be around. (I am working on that, really...)This year I was given a sharp reminder that maybe I was trying to do too much....
It was Christmas Eve day and all through the house...
It was Just Me, myself, no mouse.
The candles by the palm tree were lit
As snowflakes from each frond glistened.
Flour was everywhere...dishes were in the sink...
Apple crisp was in the oven...Time to make the soup...
(I never said this was going to rhyme...)
Now to peel onions without crying...
Rinse them in cold water and sharpen the knife...
Then came the reminder...the knife did not stop at the onion but kept right on going until blood was pouring out my thumb and tears out my eyes...
You'd think I chopped my hand off for all the red there was...
Well that put a damper on how much I got done before the kids arrived...
(By the way, those really are red sprinkles on the brownies.)
And what did I learn from all this?
If you are going to slice your finger, slice one you do not need so much.
Ya need your thumb...for everything - except blogging:)
I cannot keep any size bandaid or gauze on it and I keep bumping it and snagging it on everything. Triple antiobiotic has yet to heal this cut but seems to work wonders
when it shouldn't (like on pierced ears, but that is another story).
Yeah a few stitches might have helped, but it was Christmas eve, for cying out loud...and I did:)
Ah, I love the Christmas season...But I have a tendency to overextend myself, not just during the holidays, but more so during the holidays...I have been thinkling about New Year's resolutions - here is my preliminary list..Watch my health closer by:Visiting Bally's at least 3 x per weekRiding my bike at least 3 times per weekPutting a plan in place for healthier eating habits...Making a good effort to follow the healthier eating plan.Continue fishing for that ltr by...Rewriting my online profile with more info about me and what I want (after I figure out what it is I want)...Making an honest effort to meet new people and enjoy the friendships...Learning to realize who the scammers and players are earlier in the friendship and adjust accordingly...Renew and maintain friendships by...In January, make contact and catch up with friends I have gotten out of touch with over the last few months (especially the fun ones)...Making an honest effort to visit with good friends at least 3 x per year...Keeping in touch with good friends via phone or email at least once every two months.Quit overextending myself by...Learning to say "No" when I really do not want to do something....Learning to say "No" when I know I would have to lose sleep in order to get it done...Not committing to do things within an unreasonable time frame...Well that last one pretty much wipes out half of the others:)Merry Days After Christmas!!!