Saturday, February 12, 2011


So it's Valentine's weekend...

And I am single...




When I get feeling the least bit down about being alone...

I just think of my last few attempts at not being alone...

Enough said....

But this time of year always brings to mind one of my favorite plays on one of my favorite lines...

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore.
When an eel bites your hand and that's not what you planned
That's a moray.
When our habits are strange and our customs deranged
That's our mores.
When your horse munches straw and the bales total four
That's some more hay.
When Othello's poor wife, she gets stabbed with a knife
That's a Moor, eh?
When a Japanese knight used a sword in a fight

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another resolution...

It is not too late to add to my list of new year's resolutions, right????

It's not like I have kept any of the previous ones anyway... 

My new resolution is pretty simple:

When I am heading to an event that the ex will most likely be at also, leave Jose at home.


I usually love SuperBowl Sunday.

CareBear and K hosted this year, which worked well for them since they had to work in the morning...

For my part, I made wings and hanky panky and a cheese tray....

And I provided beverages, including, but not limited to, Jose....

And as usual I coordinated the Squares game and provided the silly prizes like I like to do...

And the kids took care of the invites....

Which included their dear old dad...

Which should have been just fine....

He is their dad and they love him...

And it is his house that they are renting from him....

And I usually get along with him ok...

Or at least I can usually be civil to him....

Or at least I can usually keep my pent up, angry feelings about him to myself....

This was not one of those times....

I am not quite sure what set me off...

It could have been that I got sick of  listening to him tell me all about what was going in his work world and pretending to care....

Or maybe it was when he asked if it was going to cost him anything to put his initials in some squares which reminded me what a cheap bastard he could be...

Or maybe I was just a lil bit aggravated because he was there celebrating with us like it was his favorite thing in the whole world when in fact he never ever celebrated SB with us before....

This use to be my thing with the kids and our friends....


I do not remember much after the end of the game....

Which apparently is when I lost it....

Yelling at the ex...

Letting him no exactly what I think about him...

Yeah, I got out of control...

Unexcusable, especially at CareBear's...

Playing "let's do a shot every touch down" with LDBoy was probably not such a great idea....

But it is a great tradition....

And I love tradition....

But I think I may have just got myself uninvited from that one....

Double Damn...

And will this headache ever go away????