Saturday, December 12, 2009

From Balls to Bananas and Back Again...

Recent Peyton PHlaCe office conversation - no lie:)

CW1: My son has high balls, they they did not drop...

CW2: You mean, undescended testes.

CW1: Yeah, that's it.

CW2: Hey that reminds me of something funny. I was getting cigs at the Circle K last night; the girl in front of me was buying condoms and whip cream...

CW1: At a Circle K?

CW2: Yeah, after she paid, she says, ooops hold on and then she runs to get a banana. She slams it down on the counter and looks at me and winks.

CW1: They have bananas at Circle K?

CW2: Yeah - they have a table of bananas - just apples or pears....

CW1: No need for apples or pears where she's going...

CW3: Look what I just got from the party downstairs...ball stoppers.....

CW2: What????

CW3: I mean jingle balls...

CW2: Did any of you take that mandatory sexual harrassment training yet?

CW1: Haven't had time yet.

CW3: No...what a waste.

CW2: Well, I'm taking it now and I think we should all just agree that this conversation never happened.

BTW, I was not part of this conversation.

I was taking my "Sexual Harrasment in the Workplace Awareness" training.

While sitting on Santa's lap.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Taking the Bad with the Good...

I did not want to go into the office today....

It was cold out and I wanted to work from home...

But the Browns won last night...

And there are way too many Shittsburgh Peeler fans (THEM) at the local Peyton PHlace office...

So, yeah, I went in...

And made sure I mentioned the win in every conversation I had with one of THEM....

I actually found reasons to converse with ALL of THEM today...

Happy Friday:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Holidays 2009!!!

I am not going to send Christmas cards this year, be snail mail or email...

I explain this to everyone in my email signature:

Happy Holidays 2009!!!

In an effort to GO GREEN and CHEAP,
please accept this email as your Christmas Card & Gift:)

So if I email you about anything between now and Christmas you get a greeting from me...


But then again, you are my faithful readers and you deserve better than that.

So for you, I will share the card I received from my younger, jolly, brother....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When I grow up...Part II

Last night G-Man had a training night for his new job as Pizza Hut delivery guy....

Not sure why he needed that....

I taught him to drive a couple years ago....

What else is there to know???


He still has his one day every other week job at KFC.

Which works out well because the boss likes G-Man and puts up with his one day every other week crap....

So G-Man comes in the door and announces:
I have tomorrow off...from this job.

I am working at my other job tomorrow.

Damn, I never thought those words would be coming out of my mouth...

Music to my ears...

Keep singing, G-Man!

Thank you, Papa John.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

When I grow up...

It was just a few short years ago when G-Man got his first local newspaper interview for Player of the Week...
Reporter: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Smartass G-Man: A pizza delivery guy. (That didn't get printed)

Well, G-man has made his dreams come true.

Yes he is now officially a Papa John's delivery person.

Congrats G-Man.

You got your dream job...
Driving around town....

Bringing people happiness...

Listening to your favorite music....

Smiling at the girls..

And congrats to me, too.

Ya see, I know why G-Man was being a smart ass all those years ago...

He wanted to follow in his brother's footsteps.

LDBoy paid a lot a bills delivering for Pizza Hut and Marco's throughout the Akron area...

For quite a few years, until he decided to start working for himself...

The way I see it, G-Man just became a lil less high maintenance.

He will now be able to pay his own insurance and cell phone bill and put gas in his car....

And buy his own favorite pizza...seeing as he gets a 50% discount...

And maybe even save for that tattoo he is wanting so bad...