Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not Happy???

So I tried to renew three of my prescriptions online the other day - two for my BP and one for my attitude.

The attitude (aka happy) pills had no refills left. But that did not keep me from trying.

I got an email response back...
We cannot refill your happy pills without your doctor's permission. So, we talked to your doctor. Unfortunately, she does not want to give her permission. She wants you to come in for a visit to determine just how unhappy you are.
Damn, have they switched docs on me? They must have...cuz she would not, could not, forget how I get when I am not happy.

That attitude does not fix just give me the FUCKING pills, OK?

Please? So I can be happy again?

Unless you like it when I am not happy...


Unknown said...

I so know what you mean. I have a new doctor who is Indian (dot, not feather) who does not seem to understand why I need my happy pills. I will go ape shit without them. After one time of me going off on her I'll bet she lets me have mine.

Winky Twinky said...

I'm off mine now, but during one office visit my doctor practically "forced" them on me a few years ago. How? I simply could not stop crying while I was in his office... give it a try ...I'm Just Sayin...