Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let the anger out....

Saturday night I headed down to the Outpost in Kent to watch the battle of the bands featuring Dinosaurus Rex.

I do like Dinosaures Rex...a lot.

Especially the song K wrote for CareBear: "Leave me Alone." It's not what you think...really.

Dinosaurus Rex performed a great set.

I was totally unprepared for the next act tho'. They were good, too. Really good.

If you like death metal...and head banging...and screaming into the mic.

I do not mind it for a little bit...a short little bit.

I mean....what a great way to let loose of some pent up anger.

Reminded me of the first time I watched a high school lacrosse game. It was after a bad day at work and I was wishing I was out there on the field and the opponents were some of the Peyton PHlaCe phantoms.

But I digress...

What really bothered me Saturday was the violent headbanging of two of the death metal rockers. It literally hurt my neck just watching them. In fact I tried not to watch. I kept turning away. But then I was afraid that I would not be prepared when one of their heads flew off their neck and landed at my feet...

A few more shots and I will not even notice....


JennyMac said...

flying heads..never good. They must be medicated with enough alcohol they don't feel the thrashing?

Winky Twinky said...

Yeah, a lot of that head banging is hard to watch...at some point it'll be -- forget a chiropractor, call in a neurosurgeon.

When my son was 4 riding in the backseat while the song, Bang Your Head was playing...he was singing along to it as Hang Your Haaaaair... I guess hair hanging would definitely not be as animated or "fun" as head banging...