I know I promised to write about feet today as a member of HBDC.
And when I made this promise, I intended to keep it; I expected my hectic life to slow down, but it hasn't...
I guess I could tell you about G-man's ingrown toe-nail on the big toe of his right foot - but that is pretty gross.
And I could tell you that tonight is the first high school football game for many schools in our area, including the Willoughby South Rebels - but nothing funny there...
I could tell you about the 5000 feet of toilet paper that I found in my yard this morning; wrapped around the trees, bushes, deck, and car....thank you WS cheerleaders:)
I could tell you about how I have been plagued with plantar fasciitis in my left foot lately.
Not sure how I got that as (after some limited research) I discovered that it most often affects joggers, tennis players, policemen, and those with gonorrhea...
But I really do not have time to blog today...instead, I must get off of my lunch break and continue my great feat of releasing a shitload of docs for Peyton PHlaCe....
6 hours ago
The question is, though, do you have photos of this in-grown toenail? Now that would be a blog post (I say this since I did something similar ;).
No time to blog? Phillipia, this is great. I love it. Except the part about the toenail. :D
5000 feet of toilet paper, really...did you measure it, then?
Yes, the agony of de-feet..er, de- foot...um, de-feat! But you overcame the de-feat by de-fault... oh, that was baaaaaad ;)
Wait, a non-post not about feet that is a post that mentions feet something like half a dozen times? This does not compute. This is like Capt. Kirk cheating to win the Kobayashi Maru. Who are you Phillipia? What are your intentions for the human race?
Sorry to hear you are dealing with a feat instead of a fete and don't worry about the feet, 'K?
I've been dealing with the plantar fasciitis this summer, also. Not fun.
Hey, I'm out of tp - can I borrow some?
Whoa! Slow down. Breathe...
There, does that feel better? I miss those football games. Both my boys played and it was the funnest time of my life. Have fun!
Feet are pretty much the most vile thing on Earth. The only attractive feet are mine
Well, Rambler, it did not get badd enough to be as gross as some I have seen - so I skipped the pics - my apologies.
Scott, I quit measuring after 4500...:)
WT, ummm, yeah...:)
Mike, I have no intentions for the human race - I am just trying to take care of me...
Thanks Reforming Geek - I try not to worry.
Hey Peruby - sorry we share that inconvenience of the feet; stop by for some TP anytime.
Theresa, I am enjoying it. I will miss it next year.
Steph, are you going to share pics of your feet?
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