Sunday, June 6, 2010

About that....

I have been an active Rebel Mom since G-Man started high school.

I would have been an active Rebel Mom when CareBear was in high school but I had no idea the group existed.

I learned about it through the football team...

If you have followed my blog, you may be aware that I have not always agreed with a lot of things the Rebel moms do.

Like every other part of my life,  do not keep my feelings to myself.

So when it was time for G-Man to apply for the Rebel Mom's scholarship, I asked the board if they intended to give out the same # of scholarships they have in the past - which is 5 or 6.

Why do you want to know?

Because if you are, I am not going to push G-Man to apply  - because there are six members of the board with senior students - and he is pretty busy and I like to pick my battles with him...

You see, the scholarship candidates are selected to receive awards based on Mom's involvement and student extracurricular activities,  leadership skills, academic achievements, and  community service....and, in the words of the scholarship committee and the board:

All applications are reviewed anonymously!
There is where the credibility stops.  As much as you want to believe that all applicants are reviewed anonymously, how can you claim that?

  • The applicants name is on every page of the application....
  • There applicants must list any student government offices held including dates.
  • The students must list clubs and extracurricular activities including offices or leadership positions.
  • Transcripts from the office must be attached to the application.
  • Student must list Mom's Rebel Mom activities which will be checked against sign-in sheets for such activities... 
  • The same few Moms on the scholarship committee make the rules, collect and review the applications, and make the awards.

Granted, you can white out the applicants name before you start your review and shuffle the applications so you are not quite sure whose you are looking at...

But, if you are checking the activities listed against the Mom's activity log....
And how many captains of the football team are there whose Mom maintains the Rebel Mom's website????

And how many Class Treasurers are there whose Mom is VP of the Rebel Mom's board....

Sorry, but there is no f-ing way the review is anonymous...

And I understand that it would be impossible to make it anonymous....

Just quit claiming vehemently that it is, ok?

Try to maintain some semblance of credibility.

Especially to those Moms who worked their butts off and yet their kids did not get even a small piece of that scholarship.

I understand that it is totally up to you how the awards are dealt.

And I do appreciate that you awarded G-Man one of the mid-range scholarships. 

It is greatly appreciated...

But the decision was NOT  based on reviews of anonymous applications....

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