Monday, January 24, 2011

The Voices in My Head....

Make them stop....

Oh, wait, that  is Peyton PHlaCe office chatter I am hearing...

There is the continous nose blowing that sounds like canadian geese attempting a ating call....too bad that is a protected species...

If I press 1 for English, I wonder if the CS guy will  stop conversing in Espanol with his family for hours on end....or maybe he is talking to a client.  I admit that I really cannot tell since I did not take Spanish seriously - or at all, for that matter - when I was in high school all those years ago.

And the on and on dialog about why the project is not ready to release....I have an idea; go back to your desk and STFU so I can work on it....

The pounding in my head really is in my head....

Damn winter sinus headaches....

Make it all go away, please....


Peruby said...

Ah, yes. I am with you on the damn winter sinus headaches.... Arrgghh!

Well, come to think of it - the Spanish bullshit, too.

Phillipia said...

Thanks for the show of support, Peruby:)