Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ya know what your problem is...

"No...what is my problem?"
"You are a Christmasaholic..."
"Yes I am....I love Christmas time..."

That was part of the conversation I had with CareBear this morning. And she is absolutely right - I am a Christmasaholic. I love to share at Christmas. It is just such a great time of year to tell everyone you love that you love them and are happy they are in your life.

This year I am so busy and financially hndicapped (aka, broke) that those I love will be lucky to get a box of homemade goodies from me...but there should be plenty of those to go around, because once I start, I cannot seem to quit.

As for cards...I am not snail mailing ... but I have every intention of emailing cards...of course I had that good intention last year...and as my friends and family know...there was no card from my email box...:(

And holiday parties...I miss being able to just invite anyone over whenever I wanted...because my budget cannot support the Italian in me that insists the hostess has food and drink for all:)

But we will keep our family tradition of a movie on Christmas night. Maybe we will add a walk in between dinner and the movie. I love walking on winter nights when it is not toooo cold, but the air is crisp and clean and the lights reflect off the snow....

Then hot tea (or cocoa or irish coffee) around a fireplace...okay, so we do not have a fireplace, but I can dream...that's what the season is about right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Of course.... gifts are nice, but how long do we remember them? Let's always remember the real reason for the season.....and hey!... it's free....