Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm off to let someone play with my boys....

That is what G-Man said to me yesterday as he is walking out the door.

Apparently, what he thought was a double-hernia - because the pain had doubled since Sunday's soccer game - turns out to be a strained groin and a pulled ligament or two somewhere down there in that private area.

And the doctor ordered an ultra-sound just to confirm that there were not any other problems...

Down there....

Because we know there are other problems...

Like his obesity.


I saw the report with my own eyes.

For his height, he is obese...

I wish I was that obese...

'Cuz, I gotta admit, he is the best looking obese kid I know...

Minus the hairy butt of course...

I only know about that because of the shot he had to get there last year and he told the nurse that I did not need to leave the room...

I should have left the room....

Anyway, I think when I next attempt to on-line date, I will not be put off by guys who openly claim to be obese...

I will ask for clarification first...

Are you obese as in sumo wrestler obese????

or ....

As in firefighter obese:)


Ed said...

Yep, those height and weight charts are screwed up.

I think it's acceptable to ask for clarification during online dating.

Phillipia said...

Thanks for your support, Ed.

gayle said...

Well acording to Wii ..I am