Friday, May 1, 2009

Three hours later...

So yesterday late afternoon, I am instant messaging with my boss who works in San Jose, trying to answer question after question after question, while talking on the phone with a football parent about plans that need to be made, when I get a text message from G-Man...
Hey, I broke my nose last night, but don't worry, I fixed it...
But Coach says I have to go get it checked anyway so I can breathe when I run...
Say what???? You looked fine to me last night...
Yeah, so when you get home we need to run up to the med center...
So we did...and three hours after we got there, the doc looked at the x-ray on his computer screen and said...
Son, you broke your nose (see that line on the x-ray?), and you put it back just the way it should be. Good job. Now go home, stay there, put some ice on it to get the swelling down, take some motrin, get a good night's sleep and don't call me in the mornin, 'cuz there's nothing more I can do.


Winky Twinky said...

Geeeeez.......... Geez...and f***IN GEEZ ALREADY!!!!!!........ It just NEVER ends...STOP it GMan!!! Can't you see your mother has ENOUGH stress already?? oh..sorry... I'm okay now....

Shawn said...

He should look into a career in medicine. Or boxing.

Da Old Man said...

Damn. That is impressive. I fell and needed an ambulance and felt like a hero because I didn't go to the hospital. He is one tough kid.