Friday, June 18, 2010

Peyton PHlaCe survey says....

So management recently sent out a survey about helath benefits for the next year...

One of the questions asked:
Would you be willing to follow a program to reduce the cost of your health insurance premiums?

You mean a Peyton PHlaCe Activity Monitor program????

Sure, no problem...

We all know how that works...

Throw it in the dryer for 18-20 mins on low and you have reached your goal for the day.

Dryer on the fritz? 

No problem.... 

Let you cat wear it around its neck while you chase it with a laser pen....

No cat????

No problem....

Twirl it like a set of car keys as you watch your favorite show....

Or as you sit in that long-ass meeting about the state of the company....

Life is good...


Winky Twinky said...

HA!!!! I LOVE the way you think!!! I'm gonna go take notes... said...

Man, I could really use one of those monitors. Sounds a lot easier than actually exercising!