I bought a 6-pack of Molson the other day for the Answer Honestly labels...ok, not just for the labels...
And now I am on a mission to find all the unique labels because it sounds like a good excuse to buy Molson instead of bud lite..or..white zinfadel in a box...
Here is my favorite (not quite sure it is published yet, but I am sure it will be soon)....
Would you rather spend a weekend with Ranger or a lifetime with Morelli?
Answer Honestly now....
Would you rather be "Babe" or "Cupcake"?
6 hours ago
Ha, that's funny. How about a lifetime with Morelli and an occasional fling with Ranger... yeah, that's it... :-)
Hey Phillipia, if you haven't yet read the new Plum release, it's a must read. One of the better ones I thought. Definitely worth the cost. Keeps ya laughin. Then there's the never ending question: Babe or Cupcake. WHAT a choice. Then again, why choose? Enjoy
I did read the latest...waiting for #15:)....or the movie...
let's here your casting suggestions, ladies...
Hmmm. Casting selections. Haven't thought of THAT one. Very interestingggggg. Grandma has to be that little old lady from Golden Girls. Sorry, can't think of her name, but she'd be perfect. How 'bout for Lula -- Robert's sidekick on Raymond, what's her name? I'm terrible with names, sorry -- Hmm, then there's sexy Morelli -- If he weren't so old, I'd say Travolta, lol. I have it, let's make Kevin Connoughey look like Morelli, yeah, that'll work. Love it. What are your ideas for Stephanie?
How about Sandra Bullock for Stephanie?
Sandra Bullock............ Okay, I like it...Yeah, she'd make a great Stephanie... Let's go with that. So, when's the movie coming out??? :-P
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